Why you think I'm paranoid, cause I don't give damn to all
I know already how it feels, when you are on your own fall
I'm not lonely like you, as I don't need anyone anymore
This life sucks me to dry, like I'm just a fu****g whore
Why I am where I am, after all what the hell I am
I'm just a incompetent creature, why I do have a name
Chasing all those dreams, for which reality never exists
All my life gone to know, just what I have really missed
I have my hard past in me, which I want not to think of
I only lose one I love, when evil eyes make a blink of
If this is what you call yourself, god tries to show me off
I don't want other to see it, come get me and blow me off
Wounds not dry I won't cry, I live myself to feel it
These shadows can't hide me, I believe one day I can heal it
To get what I only suffer more, one day and I'll be also no more
Something never waits as regret never pays , those faded voices of own core
Enthusiasm to live has gone very deep, need of ray I don't care if its not a day
No one to blame nothing to claim, one day or any day I'll find my own way
Standing by the mirror it smiles me back, can see he has not yet given up
Why I'm scared and why I'm spoiled, when my soul still wants to step up
I'll start over to back to the game, to all my lost fame and only one aim
To say my name feeling no shame, cause I know I am whatever I am